Tag Archives: United Nations

Instead of $53 million to Kanye how about $56 million to WHO to combat the Zika Virus

Mind the rant people but it had to be said. Kanye’s “woe is me tale” is shameless pandering for a public bailout and increased album sales. $53 million dollars. That’s the number that has sent the internet into a feeding frenzy this past week. In typical fashion, Kanye West dropped his new album while simultaneously […]

Embracing #PorteOuverte and Refusing Hate

It has happened again. Another tragedy, another group of innocent lives lost. And once again we are faced with a moment of being able to rise above and stretch our arms out to the vulnerable populations running for their lives from the very people who have struck at the heart of Europe. We have a chance […]

The Forgotten

How the language of politics and pressure for high TV ratings fails the vulnerable and oppressed. Hidden beneath the 24/7 daily news reels and reality show comparisons of American politics and the culture and social wars taking place between the Dems and GOP, the plight of those abroad has often been conveniently forgotten or whittled […]

Iran Deal proponents get a much needed PR boost

In less than a month since the mid-July announcement of the Iran Deal, opponents have spent more than $11 million in blitz ads and lobbying campaigns attacking the deal as a win for Iran and loss for the U.S. and Israel. The sheer size of the dollar figure being spent as well as the forceful […]

Israel’s schoolyard bully gets caught with mud on his face

After months of antagonizing rhetoric and mud-slinging, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself backed into a corner. His usual bravado and fire and brimstone warnings, complete with the ever-present ticking bomb sketch, have fallen flat on the ears of the international community. Standing alone and becoming more desperate as each day brings forth renewed […]


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