Monthly Archives: September 2015

Breastfeeding Warriors

They are used to sell anything from cars to pavement services to burgers to beers. Shoved into too-tight bikinis on 20 foot tall billboards and stared at shamelessly on buses or at work, they cover Hollywood posters, fill up movie screens, and are displayed with prominence on the cover of fitness magazines. They are breasts. […]

It’s September! Time for our annual countdown to shutdown

Congress is back in session today and that means one thing – countdown to shutdown. Over the next month candidates will jockey for title of conservative champion as each one steps over the other to showcase their anti-establishment government chops. Stump speeches will bemoan the intrusiveness of the Democratic regime, lambast President Obama’s recent Iran […]

Inspiring Ink: Heavily Tattooed Women are Feminine and Strong

Though tattoos have become increasingly common and more visible in recent years, stigmas still exist around the female body and “acceptable” body art. As the popularity among the Millennial and Gen X generations has increased, especially among women, social perceptions have yet to fully catch up. Tattoos that fail to embody customary concepts of femininity […]


Let your mind out of its cage.

A Hopelessly Wandering Mind

The varied thoughts of a millennial modern linguist.

Byford's Books

Book reviews, musings and more!