Tag Archives: Republican candidates

What The 2016 Election Means To Me

In 2008 America elected its first black president. People hailed it as a milestone indicating that America was moving forwards, pushing past the failed policies of the past presidency and looking towards a more global, progressive approach to the world and all-inclusive policies at home. Fanfare filled the streets, tears of joy were shed, and […]

Empty Pledges: What The GOP Does Best

Round and round it goes. The carousel of GOP crazy just keeps spinning; so much so that I am not even surprised anymore to wake up and find that yesterday’s statement has taken a 180. Donald Trump, along with Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich, renounced their pledge to support the GOP nominee – […]

Violence Is the American Way

A few quick knife thrusts to the chest and lungs to elicit information. Being pummeled to an inch of death. Glorified one-liners and catchphrases meant to intimidate one’s foe. Threats of punishment, prison or, day I say it, Guantanamo to strike fear into the hearts of anyone that defies American exceptionalism and military might. What […]

A Super Hangover: Trump’s mob mentality and hate-backed candidacy will divide the GOP

Super Tuesday has come and gone; and despite the wishful thinking by many in the GOP establishment Trump reigned supreme. He humiliated the party establishment that has for decades branded itself as the party of hardcore bible-thumping social conservatism, small business economics, and less government regulation. For decades this message helped them win local and […]

Obama is our elected president and I’m giving my vote to Kamal Harris

It’s become a familiar tale in American politics – extreme demagogue defies odds to make it to the Presidential primaries. Along the way he manages to insult every demographic group from the Pacific Cost to the South to the Northeast. Even our friendly allies across the pond find themselves in his crosshairs. He throws insults […]


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