Tag Archives: Terrorism

They Are Terrorists, Not Patriots

Stop calling them anti-government extremist groups. Militiamen. Right-wing militants. Zealots. Or even more grossly inaccurate, Patriots. In the days since gunmen took over a federal wildlife refuge in Burns, Oregon all eyes have been trained on the tense situation and a renewed call to not only recognize but combat domestic terrorism within the United States. […]

New restrictions of the VWP provides blanket discrimination in the guise of security concerns

It slipped past me! Underneath the entire hubbub about the impending omnibus bill, Christmas holiday, GOP debate versus Democratic debate, “attack on Christmas”, religious freedom, and whether I should buy my brother this type of scotch or that sweater for Christmas, it snuck right past me in plain sight. Under all of it I missed […]

Flags Perpetually at Half-Staff

In the past 6 years that I have worked in Federal contracting, there isn’t a more solemn and impressively distressing sight than seeing a flag lowered to half-staff. It marks death and a time for mourning the lives that have been lost. And in the past 6 years, both on military bases and in Washington, D.C., […]

Embracing #PorteOuverte and Refusing Hate

It has happened again. Another tragedy, another group of innocent lives lost. And once again we are faced with a moment of being able to rise above and stretch our arms out to the vulnerable populations running for their lives from the very people who have struck at the heart of Europe. We have a chance […]

The elopement to hell: the jihadi bride

The increased flow of migrants to Syria and Turkey in the past few years to join the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has sparked serious regional and international concerns since such a flow speaks to the strength of ISIS as an international security threat but also to its messaging strategies. The flow of […]


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