Tag Archives: Children

Making A Difference For One Kid At A Time – A Day At Disneyland

It’s not every day that you get to spend a day at the “happiest place on earth”. But to do so with a great group of kids – now that is a rare experience. This week my company afforded me a chance to give back by partnering with one of Southern California’s local children’s non-profits; the Walden Family […]

My body is not for policing: how sexism takes the wheel in the drive to ban abortion

Abortion has emerged as a leading rallying cry for the GOP conservative right at a time when Americans are increasingly expressing pro-choice views; yet they show zero signs of driving cautiously. Instead, in the fight to wrestle support from the ever dwindling base, GOP contenders are choosing to turbo-charge their rhetoric. Fealty to God is […]

Sexual Violence as Weapon of War: The ISIS Brand

Uncharted territory, gender fluidity, new positions and places or perhaps a well-rehearsed routine that still manages to bring each partner to the brink of orgasm. Sex can be all things wonderful and transformative. It can be intimate, a sacred bond between two people or a BDSM contract for the more adventurous at heart. It can be an everyday […]

The Consequence of Complacency, the Lost Boys and Girls of Syria

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) just released an alarming report indicating that the number of Syrians who have fled their ravaged country just passed 4 million. This doesn’t take into account the additional 7.6 estimated million internally displaced within Syria still at risk for political, social, and religious persecution by the Assad […]

I Love My Birth Control

Has anyone ever thought about making that blue pill pink? I turned thirty this year and I am in love with my birth control. Yes, you heard me, my birth control. I have been on birth control for close to half my lifetime. I originally started taking it because I got my period every twenty-one […]


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