Tag Archives: politics

Shady Business: Trump’s Hostile Government Takeover

It’s inevitable that companies will be acquired by new owners. They’ll be put under new management that will decide to keep or implement new policies. Often there are changes to senior level management roles and staff members undergo individual reviews. There is reorganization in which departments deemed obsolete are removed while new ones are formed. […]

The GOP may be shouting the loudest, but it is into an increasingly progressive and diverse electorate

The New Year has arrived and presidential politics is in a fractured state as fissures between the GOP establishment elite and a vocal revolutionary hungry far-right base widen with each perceived slight by the other. Despite the influence of deep-pocketed coffers like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Anderson, Paul Singer, and Harold Simmons, the establishment no […]

I’ve Been Trumped!

I walked into work this morning and was just able to catch the tail end of a conversation between two coworkers. “I can’t wait for First Lady Melania Trump.” I laughed it off thinking the comment was made in jest and sat down at my desk ready to start the day. “I’m serious! Why are […]

A Platform to Build Progress On

Just one day following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare, reaffirming the right and responsibility of every American to comprehensive healthcare, they have done it again! Following the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges America now joins a proud group of growing nations around the world that supports the right of same-sex couples […]

Our Refugee Hangover

In light of yet another historic Supreme Court ruling regarding access to comprehensive and affordable healthcare, it’s difficult to not look around and count ourselves as one of the lucky few. We may bicker in the halls of Congress or over Sunday dinner about the definition of government intrusion and assistance, but when compared to […]


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