Tag Archives: Presidential Campaign

Is Trump afraid of strong black women?

Trump has spent the better part of his campaign for the presidency maligning everyone from Bernie Sanders to Ted Cruz to Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton. He’s attacked disabled reporters, celebrities, and female media figureheads with a viciousness that hasn’t been seen in modern politics. It seems that there isn’t anyone that Trump isn’t willing […]

Clinton’s Mirrors Takes On Trump In the Best Way Possible

I’m not one for cable TV. I don’t even have a subscription for it and can’t remember the last time I actually sat down to watch TV, let alone listen to commercials. Sure I catch the occasion sporting event at some local pub or a friend’s house, but even then commercials are overlooked or muted […]

Clinton’s Rise Means Strong Women Don’t Always Have To Be Nice To Lead

Originally posted on The Maverick Journal (August 9, 2016) Mark July 28, 2016. On that day, the last of the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton ascended to the podium to claim the first female nomination of a major party for the presidency of the United States. It was a momentous occasion, one that touched […]

What The 2016 Election Means To Me

In 2008 America elected its first black president. People hailed it as a milestone indicating that America was moving forwards, pushing past the failed policies of the past presidency and looking towards a more global, progressive approach to the world and all-inclusive policies at home. Fanfare filled the streets, tears of joy were shed, and […]

Hillary Is My Kind Of Badass – I Think A Girls’ Night Is In Order

There is a view often expressed in the news and throughout social media and social circles that maintains the only reason a progressive, liberal woman, such as myself, would ever vote for Hillary Clinton is because we have a certain genitalia in common. I’ve seen the term “misguided feminist” and heard “voting with your vagina” […]


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