Tag Archives: 2016 Presidential Election

Trump Floods The Swamp

It has been less than one month since Donald Trump became America’s president-elect. Even though recount efforts may take place in three contentious states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin), even the Clinton campaign acknowledges that there is a very small chance those efforts will completely upend the election results. There has been a lot of self-reflection […]

Know Your Voting Rights

Election Day is here! After a flurry of two years of one of the most outlandish, offensively misogynistic, reality-show like elections we have ever had the chance for each American to cast his/her vote to determine the direction of this country has arrived. We’ve laughed, cried, and stared dumbfounded at the TV and online media […]

Is Trump afraid of strong black women?

Trump has spent the better part of his campaign for the presidency maligning everyone from Bernie Sanders to Ted Cruz to Jeb Bush to Hillary Clinton. He’s attacked disabled reporters, celebrities, and female media figureheads with a viciousness that hasn’t been seen in modern politics. It seems that there isn’t anyone that Trump isn’t willing […]

Kaine Holds Pence’s Feet to The Fire On A Woman’s Right To Choose

It has been said that no one person hates Planned Parenthood and abortion rights more than Indiana Gov. (R) Mike Pence. When Donald Trump selected him as his running mate he sent a clear message to women and pro-choice supporters everywhere – your reproductive health is not yours to own. And while Trump has made […]

What The 2016 Election Means To Me

In 2008 America elected its first black president. People hailed it as a milestone indicating that America was moving forwards, pushing past the failed policies of the past presidency and looking towards a more global, progressive approach to the world and all-inclusive policies at home. Fanfare filled the streets, tears of joy were shed, and […]


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