Monthly Archives: June 2015

Dare To Be Courageous, Just Ask My Friend

Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. – Raymond Lindquist Each morning when we get out of bed we are taking a courageous step. Taking so much of our own personal strength for granted and not recognizing that even daily decisions can be courageous, we view courage as media and hyper-masculinized American […]

A Platform to Build Progress On

Just one day following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare, reaffirming the right and responsibility of every American to comprehensive healthcare, they have done it again! Following the Supreme Court’s majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges America now joins a proud group of growing nations around the world that supports the right of same-sex couples […]

Our Refugee Hangover

In light of yet another historic Supreme Court ruling regarding access to comprehensive and affordable healthcare, it’s difficult to not look around and count ourselves as one of the lucky few. We may bicker in the halls of Congress or over Sunday dinner about the definition of government intrusion and assistance, but when compared to […]

Big Questions, Few Answers

Looking for a way out of that crowded room? Hoping to meet that one person that just might make you feel special and worthwhile? Ever wish you were ten feet tall so you could look down and mock the tiny people around you, pointing at the bald spots and funky shaped ears? We all have […]

Felony Disenfranchisement and the Right to Vote – America’s Failure in the 21st Century

The right to vote. It’s a powerful phrase that has led to progressive changes throughout America’s history. It is not only symbolic of a people’s ability to voice their opinion regarding their government and nation’s position in the world but to affect actual change that touches every part of society. It has allowed the most vulnerable […]


Let your mind out of its cage.

A Hopelessly Wandering Mind

The varied thoughts of a millennial modern linguist.

Byford's Books

Book reviews, musings and more!