Tag Archives: Syria

Trump’s Strategic Blunders and Fancy Words Challenges American Foreign Footprint Abroad

“I think the longer term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people,” said Rex Tillerson at a joint conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevut Cavusoglu. “You pick and choose your battles and when we’re looking at this, it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit there […]

New restrictions of the VWP provides blanket discrimination in the guise of security concerns

It slipped past me! Underneath the entire hubbub about the impending omnibus bill, Christmas holiday, GOP debate versus Democratic debate, “attack on Christmas”, religious freedom, and whether I should buy my brother this type of scotch or that sweater for Christmas, it snuck right past me in plain sight. Under all of it I missed […]

You reap what you sow and the GOP has reaped haystacks of bigoted bullsh*t

Anyone caught off guard by Trump’s call for the ban of all Muslims entering the United States shouldn’t be all that surprised. And if you are, well then you need to spend a good afternoon educating yourself about the current state of the GOP and the platforms of each candidate. While Trump’s proposal was quickly […]

Embracing #PorteOuverte and Refusing Hate

It has happened again. Another tragedy, another group of innocent lives lost. And once again we are faced with a moment of being able to rise above and stretch our arms out to the vulnerable populations running for their lives from the very people who have struck at the heart of Europe. We have a chance […]

The Forgotten

How the language of politics and pressure for high TV ratings fails the vulnerable and oppressed. Hidden beneath the 24/7 daily news reels and reality show comparisons of American politics and the culture and social wars taking place between the Dems and GOP, the plight of those abroad has often been conveniently forgotten or whittled […]


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